A Creative Saturday

5 Nov

My Art

Today I played with my guests their names are Mira and Tom. We had fun studying about God. Tom said people have their own opinions about god. Tom had an opinion and Mira kind of fell asleep. But over all very fun.  Troy and Me got a scrapbook each. Troy made a story of pictures and. I made a pattern in my book. Mira gave us a marker set and pictures of Unicorns, Snakes, eagle, butterfly and a dolphin. We went on a walk to the playground it was fun.

Metroid Prime Hunters on DS

3 Nov
Metroid Prime Hunters on DS

Metroid Prime Hunters on DS


Today I played on my DS. I got very far in the game the game is called Metroid prime hunters. You can choose your character. I only need a few more guys to have better people to complete the game. When you come to the main menu it will say multi player mode or adventure mode. If you go in multiplayer mode you fight against other people. And if you go into adventure mode you travel to a planet and discover artefacts and stuff. I went on the internet and looked up a clip of it and turned on my DS and started to copy the video. I discovered lots of things. I’m stuck at a bit in the game. But hopefully I will finish it someday.  But now I’m still learning.



Hippy Jump

2 Nov
Hippy Jump

My Hippy Jump

This is how I learnt how to do a hippy jump. I looked up on the internet how to do a hippy jump and I saw a guy do a hippy jump. At first I didn’t know how to do it,but after I saw that guy I ran outside and practiced and practiced but I only did half of it. Well what I mean is I couldn’t land on the board. But then a few days later I could do the whole thing without falling off my board.

Click on the photo to see a video

My Favourite Toys

2 Nov
My toys

My Favourite Toys

Today I played with my dinosaurs and my army men. It was fun. And I didn’t play with my skateboard today. But I still had fun. My brother was annoying me when I was playing. But he is my brother and I still like playing with him and my dad is still not home well once he reads this he will be home. My day was fun. Well now my dad is home bye.

Skateboard day

2 Nov

Kick Flip

Today I did the start of a kick flip. It felt great. I liked it. Who knows when I’ll do a real one, I love skateboarding. I am very good at it. It is fun. I want to be a professional when I grow up.

My friend has a game called Skate 3; you can do all of the tricks it is very fun. You can choose your character, there are two pros in this game. I play it as well. There is a place in a town where there is a cliff, my friend likes jumping off, and he likes doing tumbles and backflips. But I don’t’ waste my turn jumping off a cliff. There is a place where you can go down big ramps, it’s called Mega Park.